Each year tons of plastic is dumped to reach our landfills and water bodies. In the absence of any effective waste disposal mechanism it stays there for years slowly seeping into the soil, and washed down into the streams, water ways and soil polluting them and disturbing the eco system. Please find below a set of 10 lines on beat plastic pollution for students.

10 lines on beat plastic pollution – Set 1

10 points to beat environmental pollution are as given below-

1) Dispose of water bottles properly after use.

2) Don’t use plastic bags to handle everyday grocery supplies.

3) Always use eco-friendly materials for cups and plates.

4) Use recyclable bags to meet your daily need.

5) Never leave litter behind, wherever you visit.

6) Avoid purchasing articles made of plastic.

7) Go Plogging. (Jogging with rag picking).

8) Purchase your daily needs items in bulk to use less bags.

9) Organize gathering for your community cleanup.

10) Aware people of the hazards of plastic pollution.

Other 10 Lines Topics –

By Abha

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