Education is very important for our life. It changes the way we look at life. It makes us bold and confident, to face problems and achieve goals. Here I am giving fresh sets of 10 Lines on advantage of education in life. You will not only know the benefits of education but also the advantages of education system in India; advantages of education policy 2020; advantages of education system; etc.

10 Lines on The Advantage of Education – Set 1

1) Education is an important ingredient to happy and successful life.

2) Early education makes a big difference in our later life.

3) Education is for improving our lives and making the world a better place.

4) Education is an investment in knowledge that is bound to pay better results.

5) Education helps us become skilled and get gainfully employed.

6) Education teaches us to differentiate between right and wrong.

7) Education replaces an empty mind with an open one.

8) Education not only prepares us for work but for life as well.

9) Education is like the soul of the society passing from generation to generation.

10) Education turns us into visionaries and thinkers.

10 Lines on The Benefits of Education – Set 2

1) Education is like our best friend.

2) An educated person is respected by others and loved as well.

3) Education surpasses beauty and youth.

4) Education is a tree whose fruits might be bitter but the fruit is very sweet.

5) Education is your most valuable asset that no one can take from you.

6) Education makes us confident to face challenges.

7) Education is the key that unlocks the door to a happy and prosperous life.

8) Education makes us gifted and talented.

9) Education turns us into better citizens and help in the growth of the nation.

10) Education actually turns mirrors into windows.

10 Lines on Advantages of Education System in India – Set 3

1) Indian education system has several subjects to ensure that students gain maximum knowledge.

2) Indian education system teaches the students about the cultural heritage of India.

3) Indian education system helps the students to make a career choice.

4) English is compulsory making the students more employable.

5) Indian education system ensures an early and free education for all.

6) Indian education system begins at an early age of 7.

7) Indian education system teaches household chores to boys, hence promoting equality.

8) Indian education system applies a constructive approach to punish students.

9) Indian education system is designed for educational as well as spiritual development of the students.

10) Indian education system discards grades for the benefits of all students.

10 Lines on Advantages of Education Policy 2020 – Set 4

1) The National Education Policy 2020 was approved by the Union Cabinet on July 29, 2020.

2) The national education policy 2020 seeks to restructure school curriculum making it relevant to individual students.

3) The national education policy 2020 aims to achieve universal foundational literacy and numeracy.

4) It seeks 100 percent enrollment from primary to secondary levels by 2030.

5) Learning level and education of individual students will be tracked.

6) The medium of expression till eighth grade shall be student’s mother tongue or regional language.

7) The policy seeks to standardize the school curriculum for Indian sign language across the country.

8) The policy seeks equal education opportunity to girl students and transgender as well.

9) The policy seeks to encourage Indian Universities to open branches abroad.

10) The policy also seeks to increase the public investment in education.

A visit to the zoo

By Abha