In the simplest words, health education is the profession that educates people about their health, be it physical, social, emotional, psychological, and mental or any other health. Health education is very important for individuals and the society. In the below essays on health education in English we are going to discuss several aspects of health education.  

Long and Short Essays on Health Education in English

Provided below are three separate essays on health education of 100 words, 300 words and 500 words. The essays have catchy headings and will be useful for school children. Headings include – concept of health education, importance of health education, basic principles of health education, purpose of health education, basic components of health education, how to provide health education and health education in India.

There is also a 100 words starter essay on health education, with short sentences, for junior classes’ children. The content is precisely to the point and seeks to enhance your knowledge on health education.

Health Education Essay 1 (100 words)

The education that deals with our health are called health education. It aims to make better our physical and mental health. Health education teaches children how to maintain and improve their health.

Health education teaches us to respect our body. It teaches us to eat healthy food, vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc and also be happy always. It also includes neatness and cleanliness, after all, staying healthy means being neat and clean.

Health education must be made compulsory in all schools. This will be a step towards making the country healthy and happy as well.   

Health Education Essay 2 (300 words)


Health education is the curriculum that deals with mental, physical, psychological and other aspects of health. The most important motive of health education is to equip the people with learning so that they would be able to make their own quality health decisions.

Concept of Health Education

Health education is a concept similar to the primary and secondary education, etc. The difference being that health education educates the people about health.

The arena of health education is pretty vast, including social health, mental health, psychological health, sexual health, reproduction health and spiritual health as well.

To sum it all, health education is an education that either through a course curriculum, lecture or other methods, improve the knowledge of the people about their health. It teaches them to behave and adopt habits conducive to the improvement of their overall health.

Importance of Health Education

We all have heard the phrase ‘Health is wealth’, that perfectly explains how important health is in our life. However below is some of the pin pointed importance of health education.

Health education improves students’ knowledge about their own body.

They learn to behave and develop the habits that improve their own health.

It develops a positive attitude towards health and related issues.

Health education ensures that the children and the society remain healthy and happy.

Students understand what constitutes risk to health and stay away from it.

It also helps in disease prevention and keeping the family healthy.

Good health education positively impacts the academic career of a child.

Health education also improves the quality of healthcare facilities.

Quality health education goes a long way in making the country healthy and disease free.


Health education is a very significant issue and must be implemented at all levels of education. Separate curriculums must be designed for primary, secondary, and higher-level students. Quality health education will make the world a disease-free and happy place to live in.

By Abha