Holi Essay In English – Essayhub

Holi is a big Hindu festival in India that takes place in the month of Phalgun on the Hindu calendar. These Holi Essay In English will take you on the tour of India’s one of the most awaited festivals.

The festival starts on a Purnima (full moon day) in Phalgun and lasts for one night and one day. It is usually the same month on the Gregorian calendar as March.

Holi is a festival of joy and love that is widely celebrated in India, Nepal, and other parts of the Indian subcontinent.

It is also called the “festival of colours” because people play with colours in the streets. Holi is a Hindu festival that is celebrated just for fun.

Unlike most Hindu holidays, it does not honour any of the Hindu Gods or Goddesses. But the night before Holi, people take part in a ritual called Holika Dahan, in which they burn their old things in a bonfire.

Long and Short Essay in English on Holi Festival

Here are some essays about Holi, the most-anticipated Hindu festival of colours that takes place every year.

After reading these Holi essays, you will be able to answer many questions about Holi, such as why it is celebrated, when it is celebrated, how it is celebrated, what it means, and so on.

You can also use the information here for school contests, like writing essays, giving speeches, debating, etc.

Holi Essay 1 (100 words)

Holi is a big Hindu holiday that is always held in the spring. During the festival of colours, people, streets, and homes are all painted different colours.

It is also known as the “festival of love” because people play with colours, forget their old grudges, and make new friends.

Holi is a two-day festival. It starts the night before the main festival with choti holi, which means “small holi.”

During choti holi, large bonfires are lit in the streets as a sign of Holika dahan, or the burning of the demon Holika, which shows that good triumphs over evil.

The next day, people play with colours and exchange greetings and sweets when they see each other in the evening. The tradition of going to see friends and family lasts for more than a week.

Holi Essay 2 (150 words)

Holi is a festival that Hindus all over India celebrate with lots of colours. Hindus celebrate Holi as a festival of love and happiness, a time to let go of anger, greed, and hatred and start a new life based on love and getting along with others.

Holi is celebrated in the spring, during the month of Phalgun on the Hindu calendar, which is usually March or sometimes even late February on the Gregorian calendar.

It is a two-day festival that starts with holika dahan on a full moon night. The next day after Holika Dahan is when the main Holi festival is held.

It also happens at the same time as the wheat harvest and is a sign of wealth and happiness.

Spring comes after winter and comes before summer. So, the weather in spring is especially nice because there are so many flowers.

So, holi is known as the “festival of colours” to honour both the beauty of spring and a good harvest.

Holi Essay 3 (200 words)

Holi is one of India’s most important holidays, and it is celebrated with a lot of excitement, zeal, and enthusiasm.

People play with colours and splash them on each other during this event, which is also called the Festival of Colors.

Holi is also a celebration of the victory of good over evil. This is because Narsimha, the half-man, half-lion form of Lord Vishnu, killed the evil king Hiranyakashyap on this day and saved Prahlad, who was a follower of Vishnu.

People start getting ready for Holi a few days before the holiday by buying things like paint, balloons, food items for cooking, etc.

Children are most excited about Holi, and they start getting ready for it early by using water cannons called “pichkaris” to splash colour on their friends.

Around the cities and villages, “gulals,” colours, “pichkaris,” and other things are used to decorate the markets.

Holi is also a festival of peace, where friends and family get together in the evening or go to visit their friends, family, and neighbours and greet them with colours and sweets.

Holi treats like ‘gujiya,”laddoos,’ and ‘thandai’ are sure to make your mouth water. They add flavour to the season of celebration.

On Holi, people hug each other and forget all their anger and sadness to start over.

Holi Essay 4 (250 words)


Holi, also known as the “Festival of Colors,” is a big deal in almost every part of India.

On the Hindu calendar, it is celebrated on the day of the full moon in the month of “Phalgun,” which is in March on the Gregorian calendar.

People celebrate the festival by putting dry and wet paint on each other’s faces. People also sing folk songs and dance at the festival.

Holi is a festival of colour.

A big bonfire is burned as part of a ritual called “Holika Dahan” one day before Holi. This is done in cities and villages.

The “Holika Dahan” is a fire ceremony that reminds people of the story of Holika, the evil sister of Hiranyakaskyap who tried to kill Prahlad by sitting in the fire while he was there.

But Holika, who had a boon that made her live forever, was burned to ashes by the god’s kindness, and Prahlad was saved without harm.

People also go around Holika chanting devotional mantras and singing bhajans to pray for good health and wealth.

People splash water colours on each other to play during the day. To have fun at the festival, kids use water cannons called “pichkari” to shoot coloured water at each other.

In the evening, people put on nice clothes, visit their friends and family, and hug them with dry colours called “gulal.”

People also sing traditional songs and dance to well-known Holi songs.


Holi is a festival that celebrates love, brotherhood, harmony, and happiness. It also shows that good will always win over evil.

During this festival, people forget about their rivalries and hug their enemies, letting go of all their hate and bad feelings.

Holi Essay 5: (300 words)


Holi is one of everyone’s favourite holidays because it brings so much joy and happiness. Every year, people who follow the Hindu religion celebrate it as a very important holiday.

It usually happens in March, at the beginning of spring (or Falgun). Everyone is very excited for this festival and has made special plans for how to celebrate it.

Why do we have a Holi party?

Behind the holiday of Holi is a great story about Prahlad. Once, Prahlad’s own father tried to kill him because he wouldn’t worship him instead of God.

Prahlad was a big believer in God. On the order of Prahlad’s father, his aunt Holika sat in the fire with him on her lap.

God saved Prahlad because he was a true devotee, but Holika was burned in the fire even though she had been cursed to never get hurt by fire again.

Since then, people who follow Hinduism have held the Holi festival every year to remember how good won over evil.

Burning of Holika

People remember the burning of Holika by setting fire to a pile of wood and cow dung cakes the night before the colourful Holi festival.

This is done to look like the burning of Holika. Some people do the special ritual of burning the waste of each family member’s “sarson ubtan” massage in the Holika, thinking that it will get rid of all the bad things in the house and body and bring happiness and good things to the home.


People play with colours with their friends, family, neighbours, and other people they know. On this day, the kids in the house have fun by throwing coloured balloons at each other or playing pichakari.

Everyone gives each other hugs and puts “abeer” and “gulals” on their foreheads to show how much they love and care for each other.

For this day, special plans are made, such as getting sweets, chips, namkeen, dahi bade, pani puri, papadi, etc. Holi is a holiday that brings people together in love and peace.

Holi Essay 6: (400 words)


Holi is the most important and colourful Indian holiday. Hindus celebrate it every year on Purnima or “pooranmashi,” which is the full moon in the month of March (Falgun).

People look forward to this festival a lot, and when it comes, they play with colours and eat tasty foods. Early in the morning, children leave their homes with colours and pichkari to play with their friends.

The women of the homes start making food, sweets, chips, namkeen, and other things for the Holi celebration so that they can welcome their neighbours, friends, and family.

Holi is the Festival of Colors

Holi is a happy and joyful festival that brings colour and happiness to everyone’s life. People throw water colours or coloured powder (gulal) at each other, which breaks down any differences between them.

The great story of Prahlad and his aunt Holika is the reason why this festival is held.

The Festival’s Past

Long ago, there was a devil king, Hiranyakashyap. He was Prahlad’s father and Holika’s brother.

Lord Brahma gave him a promise that no person or animal, no weapon, no matter where he is or what time of day or night, can kill him.

When he got so much power, he became very proud and told everyone, even his own son, to worship him instead of God.

People started worshipping him because they were afraid of him. Only Prahlad, who was a true follower of Lord Vishnu, did not do this.

After seeing Prahlad act in this way, Hiranyakashyap and his sister Holika made a plan to kill Prahlad. He told his sister to put Prahlad on her lap and sit in the fire.

Holika did this, but luckily she got burned in the fire. Prahlad, on the other hand, was protected and blessed by God and was not hurt or even touched by the fire.

People started to call this event the Holi festival, which comes from the name of Holika. People celebrate this holiday to remember how good won out over evil.

A day before Holi, people burn a pile of wood in the area at night or in the evening to show how Holika was burned.


At this festival, everyone sings, dances, plays with colours, gives hugs, and eats delicious food. Holi is a festival that brings people together and helps them love and care for each other.

People have a lot of fun at the festival with their friends, family, and other relatives and enjoy the special foods for the event.

Holi Essay 7: (500 words)


Holi is a very well-known festival of colours that is held every year in the month of “Phalgun,” which is March.

It is a very happy time for the people of India. It is a festival with lots of fun and games, especially for kids.

The kids start celebrating a week before the festival and keep going for a week after. People who follow the Hindu religion celebrate Holi all over India, especially in North India in the month of March.

The festival has a legend and a story behind it

India has been celebrating Holi for a long time, and there are many stories and myths about why. It is a very important and significant festival.

In Hindu mythology, Holi is thought to have started when Holika tried to kill her own nephew by throwing him into a fire and got burned herself.

People think that Hiranyakashyap, the father of Prahlad, was a demon king who tried to kill his own son in the fire when Prahlad refused to worship him because he was a great follower of Lord Vishnu.

When Hiranyakashyap’s other plans to kill Prahlad didn’t work, he told his sister Holika to sit in the fire with Prahlad on her lap, since Holika was known for not being hurt by fire.

But this plan also didn’t work because Prahlad was a follower of Lord Vishnu, and his God saved him. Holika was burned in the fire, but Prahlad was saved.

From that day on, Hindus started to celebrate Holi every year.

Holika and its Customs

People make a pile of wood at a crossroads the day before Holi and burn it to represent Holika. This is called the “Holika Dahan” ceremony.

People also make many trips around the burning Holika and worship it to get rid of their sins and illnesses and be blessed with wealth and good health.

People in north India also have a tradition where they rub mustard paste all over their bodies and then burn it in Holika to get rid of all diseases and bad things in their bodies.

How do we celebrate Holi?

The next morning after “Holika Dahan,” people celebrate the colourful festival of Holi by getting together in one place and playingfully throwing colours at each other.

The week before Holi, people start getting ready. People are very excited, especially kids, and start buying different colours a week before the day.

With “pichkari” and small balloons, they start playing with colours with their friends, neighbours, and family. People with lots of colours go to visit their friends and family in the morning and colour them.

This is how the celebration gets started. Holi treats include “gujhiya,” sweets, “pani puri,” “dahi bade,” “chips,” etc., which both the guests and the hosts enjoy.


Holi is a festival whose main goal is to spread love and brotherhood. Bright colours are used in the festival, which shows that people are happy and things are going well.

Holi also stands for the victory of good over evil, which is what most Indian festivals are all about. It also tells us to stay on the right path and avoid the bad things in the world.

Long Essay on Holi Festival – Essay 8 (1500 Words)


Holi is a big Hindu holiday that is celebrated with a lot of joy and fun in India and other countries in the subcontinent.

Different parts of India may have different traditions and customs for Holi, but they all involve having fun with colours.

It is a festival that both kids and adults who like to play and try new things look forward to. The festival is held in the month of Phalgun, and it marks the beginning of spring and the end of winter.

Based on the Gregorian calendar, the event usually takes place at the end of February or in the middle of March.

Holi is a celebration of colours, happiness, and love

Holi is different from other Hindu holidays because you don’t have to honour any gods. This is required for other holidays. The festival is all about pure joy and has nothing to do with religion at all.

Holi celebrations would not be the same without colours. In fact, it is also known as the festival of colours. People play with coloured powders called “gulal” in their own language.

People spray each other with gulal and say “Happy Holi” and give each other hugs. Children were playing together with different kinds of water guns (pichkari).

All of the houses and streets are painted with a beautiful mix of red, yellow, blue, orange, and violet.

People wear loose clothes and sprinkle each other with colours and coloured water now that winter is over.

Everyone is painted in different colours from head to toe, so much so that it takes a moment or two to recognise even your best friend.

A Story About Holika Dahan

Holi is a festival that lasts for two days. It starts on the evening of Purnima, which is the full moon day in the Hindu month of Phalgun. Holi is played on the morning of the second day.

The first day of Holi is called Choti Holi, which means “Small Holi.” In the evening, a ritual called Holika Dahan is done.

People build bonfires at the intersections of streets or other good spots in the market, on streets, in colonies, etc.

People burn their old things in the fire as a way to get rid of their jealousy, anger, and hatred. The ritual also shows that good will win over evil.

Holi Story

One story about Holika Dahan that most people believe is about the demon king Hiranyakashyap and his son Prahlada.

Prahlada was a devoted follower of Lord Vishnu. This made Hiranyakashyap angry, since he thought of himself as God after being given the boon of immortality.

But Hiranyakashyap’s son Prahlada was set on worshipping Vishnu and refused to worship his own father.

Hiranyakashyap became angry when his own son let him down, so he started torturing Prahlada to get him to give up.

When Prahlada always said no, Hiranyakashyap and his sister Holika came up with a plan to trick Prahlada into sitting on a fire with them.

Holika was said to have a blessing that kept her from getting burned in a fire. The evil plan was to put Prahlada on the pyre and let the boon protect Holika.

Holika finally got Prahlada to agree to sit with her in the fire. Prahlada said yes, even though he had a lot of faith in his god Vishnu.

Holika sat down in the flames with Prahlada on her lap. As soon as the fire was started, Lord Vishnu stepped in to save Prahlada, and despite the promise, Holika was burned to ashes.

Holika was given a spell that would make her immortal, but it didn’t work because she had to be alone in a fire for it to work.

So, on Choti Holi, people light fires to represent the death of the evil Holika and to get ready for the colourful celebrations the next day.

Lath Mar Holi at Barsana

Lath Mar Holi has been done for hundreds of years in the area around the Radha Rani temple in Barsana, a small town near Mathura.

Men from the nearby town of Nandgaon go to Barsana, where women used to hit them with sticks called “lathis” in Hindi.

Men, on the other hand, would use shields to protect themselves. If they were caught, they would have to dance in women’s clothes.

The Lath Mar Holi celebration in Barsana has become so well-known that millions of Indians and tourists from other countries come to Barsana to see the festivities.

Let go of your fears and play with colours

Holi has a lot of good effects on people’s personalities and on their relationships with other people. It is a festival where you can get over being shy and meet new people.

What better way is there to meet new people than to play with colours?

The festival helps you find the joy inside you that you had been trying to hide. Throw away your shyness, doubt, and any other feelings that have been holding you back in everyday life.

With a little work on your part, you can move into a new world full of colour, love, and happiness.

Spray colour on as many people as you can without thinking twice. This will help you meet new people and remember the party. All you have to do is free your soul by letting go of all your fears.

It’s time to let go and forget

Holi is a happy holiday. True happiness has more to do with the soul than with the body. Even if we are in good shape physically, we can’t be truly happy as long as we hate or dislike someone.

Whether you did something wrong to someone or someone did something wrong to you, your inner joy will suffer in either case.

The festival of Holi is a great chance to make up with someone you don’t like or fix a broken relationship. Let go of your anger and forgive the sinner.

If someone or something has hurt you or made you sad, forget about it. We will be happier when we let go of all our bad feelings and welcome joy and a new world.

During Holi, one of the most important traditions is going to the homes of friends and family. Even after the Holi celebrations are over, the custom lasts for weeks.

It’s the best time to fix broken relationships or get back in touch with old friends.

Indian foods for Holi to put on a platter

Holi is the festival of colours, but it is also a festival of sweets and other delicious foods. In different parts of India, hundreds of dishes that make your mouth water are made for Holi.

Every part of India and every culture has its own special Holi treat.

The air smells like a mix of sweet smells and the flavours of the many fried treats that are cooked in every home.

One of my favourite sweets is gujhiya, which is made by deep-frying dough pockets filled with khoya, which is a kind of milk food, and nuts.

This dish is popular in north India. Another tasty Holi food that comes from northern India is Dahi Vada.

During Holi, Puran Poli is made in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is also a favourite at festivals in Maharashtra, where it is made for almost all of them.

It is mostly a flat chapati with sweet chana dal inside.

This Holi, don’t use artificial colours

Holi is a festival of colours, so there were a lot of temporary shops selling cheap colours. Metals like copper, mercury, aluminium, and lead are often used to make the colours that come in powder form.

They may also have dangerous dyes and paints that people shouldn’t use.

When cheap synthetic colours are used, they can cause a wide range of health problems, from a mild rash to something as serious as cancer.

During the Holi festival, there have been reports of skin sores, burning, and eye irritation, which may be caused by the toxic compounds in the colours.

Corn starch or flour is often used as a base for making synthetic colours, which makes the situation worse when it gets dirty.

Fortunately, people are getting more aware about the harmful effects of synthetic colours. A custom of using naturally derived colours is developing and is being practised widely.

By switching to colours derived from natural resources, we not only save our health but the health of environment as well.

When natural colours get into soil or water, they don’t make them dirty like synthetic colours do.

Natural colours are derived from natural harmless minerals like gulal, mehndi, turmeric etc.

Flowers, like roses and sunflowers, are also used to make colours, like red from roses and yellow from sunflowers. Also, plants and flowers can be used to make a lot of natural dyes.


Holi is a festival that is full of colour and fun. Get ready to get wet and messy, but watch out that you don’t hurt yourself or others.

Open your mind, get rid of your fears, make new friends, make the unhappy ones happy, and fix the ones that are broken.

Play, but also care about other people. Don’t bother people when you don’t have to, and always act calmly. Last but not least, this Holi, make a promise to only play with natural colours.

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