Long Hindi Divas Essay

The following essays will meet the needs of everyone searching for a Hindi Divas essay. There are two types of essays available: a 10-point short essay on Hindi Divas and their importance, and a longer essay on Hindi Divas that also mentions the awards given out on the day to different individuals, organizations, departments, and so on. You can choose all of them depending on your needs.

A brief introduction

Every year on September 14th, Hindi Divas commemorates the Legislative Assembly’s adoption of Hindi written in Devnagari script as the official language of the Republic of India on the same day in 1949. Since then, the 14th of September has been observed as Hindi Divas, with the aim of preserving and promoting Hindi.


For years, many prominent Indian figures in politics and literature have rallied to support the adoption of Hindi written in Devnagari Script as the Republic of India’s official language. Apart from Gandhi, influential leaders such as Hazari Prasad Dwiwedi, Kaka Kalelkar, Maithili Sharan Gupt, and Seth Govind Das discussed the adoption of Hindi as an official language in Parliament.

During the Hindi Sahitya Sammelan in 1918, GandhiJi was the first to propose Hindi as the national language. Finally, on September 14, 1949, the Constituent Assembly declared Hindi, written in Devanagari script, to be the official language of India. All of India’s non-Hindi-speaking states objected to the change, so English was designated as an official language as well.

The Importance of Hindi Divas

Despite being the third most widely spoken language after English and Chinese, Hindi is on the verge of extinction due to English’s growing popularity. Even in India, where Hindi is the national language, English is becoming a commonly spoken language in all states. The Hindi Divas festival is held to keep Hindi alive in the minds of the people. Even if it’s just for a single day a year, speaking and writing Hindi helps to save Hindi from extinction. On Hindi Divas, every government office in India is asked to conduct all official business in Hindi as a means of promoting our mother tongue and preventing its extinction. On Hindi Divas, people are encouraged to read, speak, and write Hindi in Devenegari script, which is essential to save the language from extinction.

Hindi Divas Events

Language Week is an official celebration of languages.

Starting with the Hindi Divas, an official language week is observed in offices, schools, and colleges throughout India for a week. The aim of the Hindi language week is to encourage not only the use of Hindi, but also to raise awareness of its importance and the consequences of not doing so. In offices and colleges, various competitions are held to encourage people to write essays and articles in Hindi.

In schools

Schools throughout India celebrate Hindi Divas, with schools in Hindi-speaking states taking an active role. Hindi Divas is celebrated for two to three days in some schools. Various contests, such as essay writing, Hindi poetry writing, and debates, are held during the festivities. For the activities, the children are told to use only Hindi and not English. Some students also give speeches about the history of Hindi and its importance as a national language. Teachers participate in the competitions as well, giving speeches to the children about the Hindi language and its importance to India.

In government offices

In government offices, Hindi Divas is commemorated by using Hindi in all official correspondence and providing employees with training in Hindi literature. Apart from arranging various activities for the promotion and production of Hindi, the heads of departments encourage their subordinates to use the language.

Prizes are given out.

In addition to the numerous competitions held during Hindi Divas, award functions are held to present awards for notable achievements in the field of Hindi.

Gaurav Award of Rajbhasa

The Rajbhasa Gaurav Award recognizes original Hindi book writing in the fields of knowledge, travel, science, and technology. The award includes a monetary reward as well as a certificate for the winners. The monetary prize is less important than the distinction bestowed upon the recipients. In the fields of science and technology, Hindi books and terminology are scarce. Since several workers are unfamiliar with the Hindi language used in this area, the Award’s primary goal is to encourage book writing in these fields.

Award for Official Language

The Official Language Award is given to an institution, office, or association for outstanding efforts in enforcing the Union of India’s official language policy. In its Official Language Policy, the Ministry of Human Affairs’ Department of Official Languages specifies that both Hindi and English are to be used as official languages, as well as the conditions in which English is to be used.

The award is a way of persuading people to use Hindi as an official language.

Rajbhasa Kirti Puraskar Yojna (Rajbhasa Kirti Puraskar Yojna) is a

Provided to Central Government Ministries/Departments, public corporations, Government Banks, and financial institutions for the publication of annual Hindi home magazines and the promotion of Hindi. The Rajbhasa Kirti Puraskar does not come with a monetary award; instead, the recipient receives a certificate.

Despite being the world’s third most widely spoken language, Hindi is on the verge of extinction due to the growing popularity of English. Even after 71 years of independence, Hindi continues to struggle for recognition as a science and advanced language. The Hindi Development Forum was established to give Hindi its due respect and to promote new developments in Hindi literature. Its main goal is to elevate Hindi to an international level by making the language and literature interesting, coordinating with dialects and regional languages, making Hindi usage interesting, and promoting it globally. The Hindi Development Forum also supports Hindi as a national language and hosts a variety of programs to encourage Hindi use.

The following are some main directives from the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding official language policy in support of Hindi promotion:

• Any question paper for a recruitment test, whether for state or federal programs, should be available in Hindi as well as English.

• During the interview, the candidate has the choice of conversing in Hindi.

• During seminars, scientists and others should be allowed to read their research topics in Hindi.

• Only Hindi typists and Hindi stenographers should be working in Central Government offices.

• All Ministry/1Department stationery, name plates, and rubber stamps, including those outside India, should be prepared in both Hindi and English.

• The department of Official Languages should be able to access quarterly progress reports through the internet.

• All departments should promote the development of original Hindi books.

• Hindi language training programs must be coordinated on a regular basis in departments.

• Heads of departments should allow their subordinates to use Hindi.

final thoughts

Even after 71 years of independence and 69 years of recognition as the Republic of India’s official language, Hindi continues to struggle for recognition. It is our responsibility as Indian people to learn and use Hindi in writing and conversation in order to preserve and promote the language. Participate actively in Hindi Divas, whether you are a working professional, a government employee, or a student, and make a commitment to use Hindi for all of your interactions for at least one day.

By Abha