The gaze of a tiger arouses immense fear, yet it’s beautiful Image Source

The tiger is the biggest member of the cat family, with a distinctive pattern of black stripes on its reddish-orange coat. To assist children, we have included a series of tiger essays below. Essay and paragraph competitions are frequent methods used by teachers in educational institutions these days to improve students’ skills and knowledge on any subject. All of the tiger essays listed here are prepared in simple language and adhere to various word limits based on the needs and requirements of different standards.

Long and short essay on tiger in English for Class 1-5

After reading these Tiger Essays, you will have a better understanding of what a tiger looks like, how it hunts and eats its prey, and its social behavior, etc.

You can utilize these pieces in essay writing, debate, or talk shows at your high school or college.

Essay on Tiger for Students (100 Words)

Panthera tigris is the scientific name for the tiger. It is a carnivorous animal that is classified as a mammal since it gives birth to young ones.

It is also the biggest living member of the cat family. It is found all throughout Asia, particularly in Bhutan, China, India, and Siberia.

Siberian tigers have thick fur to protect them from harsh cold climate

Bengal tigers are mostly found in the Sundarbans (mangrove forests) of Bangladesh and West Bengal, as well as other nations in Southeast Asia.

The majestic Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of India Image Source

They come in a variety of colors, including white, and orange with black stripes. The black stripes on their upper torso aid in their camouflage when hunting.

On their bodies, each tiger has a unique pattern of stripes.

Each tiger has its own unique pattern of stripes Image Source


The tiger is India’s national animal, designated so because of its majestic appearance. It is a powerful animal recognized for its elegance, strength, and agility.

Tiger hunting was rampant in India during the colonial era Image Source

Tigers have various subspecies and may be found all over the world. Tigers are currently endangered, with only a handful remaining (around 3890 according to the world tiger census) that we must protect in every manner possible in order to save their lives on our planet.

In April 1973, the Indian government launched a program known as “Project Tiger” in order to preserve tiger from extinction.


Tiger, a member of the cat family, is India’s national animal. Panthera tigris is the scientific name for a tiger. It is the biggest member of the feline family.

It comes in a variety of colors, including orange, white, with black stripes. Each tiger has its own distinct set of black stripes on its body.

They may seem different on the exterior, but the underside of their abdomen is white.

Bengal Tigers originated in Siberia, but because to the colder environment, they moved south.

The Royal Bengal Tiger’s native habitat is now India.

Bengal Tigers may grow to be 7 to 10 feet long and weigh 350 to 550 pounds.

Tigers come in a variety of sizes and weights, depending on the subspecies and locations where they are found.

The Siberian tigers are the world’s biggest tigers. Females are said to be somewhat smaller than males.

Tigers were in constant danger a few decades ago, but thanks to an Indian initiative called “Project Tiger,” the situation of tigers in India is now under control and improving.

 Previously, they were widely hunted by humans for fun, traditional medicinal items, and so on. The Indian government launched ‘Project Tiger’ in April 1973 in an attempt to save tigers from extinction.

 Deforestation, which results in habitat loss and population fragmentation, is the most serious danger to the tiger’s survival.


The tiger is a wild animal that the Indian government has designated as the country’s national animal.

 It is regarded as the most vicious wild animal, which everyone is afraid of. It is a powerful animal capable of leaping great distances.

It appears peaceful in appearance, yet it is a skilled hunter who can catch its prey from a great distance.

It develops a taste for the blood and meat of other wild creatures such as cows, deer, goats, dogs, rabbits, even (on rare occasions) humans.

Tiger is known as the “King of the Jungle” because of its formidable powers. The thriving tiger population represents India’s abundant biodiversity.

It is an animal with a unique blend of strength, grace, immense power, and agility, all of which contribute to its high regard and respect. India is said to be home to over half of the world’s tiger population.

However, in recent decades, India’s tiger population has been declining to some extent. The Indian government established Project Tiger in 1973 in order to ensure the survival of this regal animal in the country.

There are nearly eight tiger races, and the Indian variety known as the Royal Bengal Tiger may be found practically everywhere in the country (except the north-western region).

There was a significant rise in the tiger population in India a few years following the beginning of Project Tiger.

According to the 1993 census, the country’s total tiger population was almost 3,750. Project Tiger has created over 23 tiger reserves around the country, spanning an area of 33,406 square kilometers.


Tiger is virtually identical to a cat, though, a larger one. It is a member of the cat family. It is the biggest of the cat family’s species.

It has a long tail and large teeth. It comes in a variety of hues (including white, blue, and orange), but everyone has black stripes on their body.

Because it has God-given cushioned feet with sharp claws, it can run a long distance and make enormous jumps in a matter of minutes.

Its four teeth (two in the upper and two in the lower jaw) are extremely sharp and powerful, allowing it to grasp a large prey and satisfy its hefty feeding requirements. A tiger’s length and height range from 8 to 10 feet and 3 to 4 feet, respectively.

It is a carnivorous beast that has developed a taste for blood and flesh. It occasionally travels to settlements in quest of food from deep forests and eats any animal and sometimes even humans.

It uses its powerful jaws and keen claws to quickly secure a firm hold on its prey (such as deer, zebra, and other animals).

It usually rests during the day and hunts at either dusk or dawn because of the ease of catching prey.

A tiger kills its prey by stacking and getting as close as possible, finally grabbing it by the throat.   It is indeed regarded as a very harsh and ferocious wild animal.

Tigers are often seen in India’s Sundarbans (Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Central India, etc).

Since the early 1990s, when the population of tigers was rapidly dwindling, tiger hunting has been banned across the country.

There are six surviving tiger subspecies (Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, Sumatran tiger, Malayan tiger, Indo-Chinese tiger, and South-Chinese tiger), and three have recently become extinct (such as Javan tiger, Caspian tiger, and Bali tiger).


The tiger is a dangerous yet elegant and beautiful wild animal. The Indian government has designated it as the country’s national animal.

 It is regarded as the world’s strongest, most powerful, and most beautiful animal. It lives in a thick forest but occasionally visits villages and other residential areas in quest of prey.

Siberian Tigers are used to living in frigid climates, while Royal Bengal Tigers dwell in the jungle beside a river, which is why they can swim effectively.

People used to kill tigers in large numbers for a variety of reasons, including the illegal trade in their body parts such as skin, bones, teeth, and nails.

The population of tigers in India has plummeted as a result of this. Tigers may also be found in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Russia, Vietnam, and Bhutan, amongst other nations.

The tiger is a carnivorous mammal that hunts at night but rests during the day. Tigers have a robust and powerful body that allows them to leap to great heights (almost 7 feet) and run for vast distances (nearly 85 kilometers per hour).

They are extremely lovely and beautiful due to the black stripes on their blue, white, or orange bodies. To grip its food from a long distance, it possesses naturally powerful jaws, fangs, and keen claws.

It is thought that its long tail aids in maintaining balance when pursuing prey. A tiger may grow to reach approximately 13 feet long and weigh 150 kg. Tigers are distinguished by their distinctive striped pattern on the upper body.

As a National Animal, the Tiger

The government of India chose the tiger as the country’s national animal due to its power, strength, and agility. It was also chosen due to its appealing titles, such as “King of the Jungle” and “Royal Bengal Tiger.”

What is Project Tiger all about?

Project Tiger is an Indian government initiative aimed at preserving the country’s tiger population. It was founded in 1973 with the goal of saving tigers from the brink of extinction.

This initiative was created with the goal of preserving and increasing the number of surviving tigers across the country through species breeding.

Around 23 tiger reserves have been established throughout the country to ensure the protection of their natural habitat.

By 1993, the tiger population in the nation had significantly improved. However, despite the rise in population, the country’s tiger population remains unsatisfactory.

By Abha