Globalization is the process of merging trade and business all across the world. Governments, private enterprises, and even individuals mix and mingle, engage, and establish new trade policies, bringing diverse cultures and nations closer together. Unprecedented advances in transportation and communication technology have contributed to the expansion of globalisation.

Globalization is primarily a business activity that merges diverse cultures and communities via trade and commerce. However, historians and current economists disagree over the origins of globalisation. The former say it has existed since ancient times, while the latter claim it first began in the twenty-first century.

Long And Short Essay On Globalization For Children

For your convenience, we have provided both long and short essays about globalisation in English.

These Globalization Essays will explain what globalisation is and why it is important in today’s world.

You will also learn how globalisation is reducing barriers and bringing people closer.

These Globalization essays can assist you with school projects and other competitions where you must speak/write about globalisation.

What Is Globalization Essay – 100 Words

Globalization is the process of extending, developing, and increasing businesses, services, or technology all over the world. It is the worldwide growth of numerous firms into global marketplaces. To build major multinational firms for global economic integration, massive foreign investment is required. Its goal is to strengthen the interconnectedness and interdependence of enterprises in global marketplaces.

Globalization has taken the shape of technical improvement in recent decades, resulting in simpler travel, communication, and other worldwide commerce for individuals. On the one hand, although globalisation has increased people’s access to technology, it has also diminished their chances of success by raising competition.

What Is Globalization Essay – 150 Words


Through the pace of markets, globalisation makes firms or technology available all over the world. People are migrating away from their self-contained countries and toward a more interconnected globe as a result of globalisation. To globalise a firm, a corporation must shift from a business plan designed for a single nation to one that can function in several countries.

Globalization’s Impact

Globalization has numerous effects on a business and a firm. The influence of globalisation on enterprises in the global market may be divided into two major categories: market globalisation and production globalisation. Market globalisation refers to the removal of barriers to selling products or services in nations other than one’s own. It is critical for a firm to facilitate success by efficiently globalising and marketing items to the foreign market. Production globalisation is the establishment of plants in several nations to create things locally at cheap labour costs while earning more profit than the home country.

Essay 3 on Globalization (200 words)

Globalization is the spread of something all over the world. However, it is typically the process of globalising products, enterprises, technology, ideologies, and so on all over the world. It is the establishment of a successful networked marketplace without regard for time zones or country boundaries.

The proliferation of McDonald’s outlets throughout the world is the most visible and obvious manifestation of globalisation. It became so popular in global markets because to its brilliant strategy of modifying other nations’ cultures in its menus to suit local tastes of people. We may call it internationalisation, which is a wonderful blend of globalisation and localization.

It is difficult to determine if the global marketplace revolution is helpful or destructive to humanity. There is still a lot of uncertainty. However, it is difficult to deny that globalisation has increased possibilities for individuals all around the world. It has significantly altered people’s social standing and manner of life. It greatly benefits emerging countries by giving numerous developmental chances.

If we embrace it positively, it has the potential to eliminate regional difference and build a homogenised global culture. It is enabled by information technology and demonstrates significant connection and integration among enterprises, corporations, governments, and individuals from other nations. Globalization has had an impact on both the positive and bad aspects of tradition, culture, political system, economic development, lifestyle, and prosperity.

Essay 4 on Globalization (250 words)

Globalization has been incredibly quick in the previous several decades, resulting in international economic, social, political, and cultural integration through advancements in technology, telecommunication, transportation, and so on. It has had an impact on people’s lives in both positive and bad ways; the negative impacts must be dealt properly. Globalization has greatly benefited global economy in a variety of ways. Unbelievable advances in science and technology have provided incredible opportunities for enterprises to quickly extend beyond territorial boundaries.

Companies have seen tremendous economic growth as a result of globalisation. They have been more productive, resulting in a more competitive globe. The quality of products, services, and so on is competitive. Successful corporations in industrialised nations are creating international offices to take advantage of lower-cost labour than in their home country. Such commercial operations provide employment to individuals in developing or underdeveloped nations, allowing them to progress.

Essay 5 on Globalization (300 words)

Globalization is the process of spreading science, technology, and enterprises throughout the world via transportation, communication, and commerce. Globalization has had an impact on practically every country in the globe in numerous ways, including socially, economically, politically, and psychologically. Globalization is a word that refers to the rapid and ongoing integration and interdependence of countries in the fields of commerce and technology. Globalization has had an impact on tradition, the environment, culture, security, lifestyle, and ideas. Many variables are influencing and hastening globalisation tendencies throughout the world.

People’s demands, free-trade activities, the acceptance of markets on a global scale, the emergence of new technologies, scientific advancements, etc. are all factors that have contributed to the acceleration of globalisation. Environmental problems including water pollution, deforestation, air pollution, soil contamination, contamination of water supplies, climate change, biodiversity loss, etc. have been brought on by globalisation, which has had significant detrimental effects on the environment. International efforts are urgently needed to address all of the world’s environmental problems because if they are not, life on the planet might end one day.

To prevent environmental degradation, there is a need for the globalisation of eco-friendly technology as well as a high degree of environmental consciousness among people. To address the negative consequences of globalisation, businesses must create greener technologies that can replace the existing state of the environment. However, globalisation has contributed significantly to environmental conservation by enhancing numerous resources (reducing negative environmental consequences, such as hybrid automobiles that use less gasoline) and encouraging education.

The Apple brand has also attempted to provide environmentally friendly products in order to mitigate the negative consequences of globalisation while maximising the beneficial ones. Increasing population needs result in widespread deforestation, generating serious environmental problems. Almost half of the valuable woods have been chopped down in recent years. As a result, there is a need to bring globalisation under control in order to mitigate its harmful consequences.

Essay 6 on Globalization (400 words)


Globalization is a method for international actors to open enterprises, increase technical progress, the economy, and so on on a global scale. It is a method for makers and producers of items or things to sell their products worldwide without limitation. It delivers enormous benefit to companies since it allows them to readily obtain low-cost labour in underdeveloped nations as a result of globalisation. It gives businesses a huge chance to engage with the global market. It makes it easier for any country to participate in, establish, or combine industries, invest in stock or shares, or sell products or services in any country.

How Does Globalization Work?

Globalization enables the global market to view the entire globe as a single market. Traders are expanding their business areas by viewing the globe as a global community. Prior to the 1990s, there were restrictions on importing some products created in India, such as agricultural products, engineering goods, food items, toiletries, and so on. However, throughout the 1990s, affluent nations put pressure on the World Trade Organization, the World Bank (which is involved in development funding), and the International Monetary Fund to allow other countries to expand their enterprises by opening trade and markets in poor and developing countries. Under the Union Finance Minister, India began the process of globalisation and liberalisation in 1991. (Manmohan Singh).

After many years, globalisation created a big upheaval in the Indian market when international companies such as PepsiCo, KFC, McDonald’s, Boomer Chewing gums, IBM, Nokia, Ericsson, Aiwa, and others arrived and began supplying a wide range of quality products at low rates. All of the dominant brands have demonstrated a true globalisation revolution as a significant boost to the industrial sector economy. Because of the fierce rivalry in the market, the prices of high-quality items are falling.

Globalization and liberalisation of commerce in the Indian market are flooding the Indian market with high-quality foreign items, but they are harming indigenous Indian industries to a large extent, resulting in the job loss of poor and illiterate individuals. 

Globalization’s Beneficial Effects

Globalization has had a significant impact on Indian students and education sectors by making study books and vast amounts of information available via the internet. Collaboration between international institutions and Indian universities has resulted in significant changes in the education business.

The globalisation of common drugs, health monitoring electronic gadgets, and other medical devices has also had a significant impact on the health industry.

The globalisation of agricultural commerce has resulted in a wide range of high-quality seeds with disease resistance properties. However, it is detrimental to impoverished Indian farmers because to the high cost of seeds and agricultural technologies.

The expansion of companies such as cottage, handloom, carpet, craftsmen and carving, pottery, jewellery, and glassware, among others, has resulted in a massive transformation in the employment sector.


Globalization has offered a range of low-cost quality items and overall economic benefits to emerging countries, as well as job opportunities for a huge population. However, it has given birth to competitiveness, crime, anti-national activities, terrorism, and other problems. So, along with the euphoria, there was some melancholy.

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