Life in a huge city is fast-paced and entirely disconnected from nature. Though it provides excellent opportunities of growth and basic amenities, but it can also be exhausting and stressful at the same time. People residing in the big cities are used to the lifestyle it offers and on the contrary, find it difficult to adjust to living in a small town or a village.

Long and Short Essay on Life in a Big City in English

The Essay on Life in a Big Metropolitan City deals with other aspects as well: Essay on Life in a Metropolitan City; Essay on Metropolitan Cities in India; Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Metropolitan City; City Life Essay For Class 2 and 4; Paragraph on Metropolitan City; Life in a Big City Paragraph 100 Words


In most cases, life in a big city is fast-paced with a great deal of competition everywhere. Everyone strives to be better than everyone else, and they work tirelessly to achieve their goals.

Children are instilled with a competitive spirit from an early age and every parent wants their child to be a step ahead of the pack.

In big cities, schools are not only focused on academics, but also on extracurricular activities. They have a solid infrastructure and well-educated faculty to prepare children for the future.

Big cities also have a lot of job openings. In a big city, someone with a decent educational background can get well-paying work.

If one truly wants to work, the possibilities are limitless. Similarly, large cities provide all of the contemporary conveniences required for a comfortable lifestyle.

Earning a nice living with all of today’s amenities, on the other hand, can be rather stressful.

While city living can be convenient, it does not guarantee calmness of mind. In order to make a better life, many people move from the countryside to big cities. While many of them are able to earn well and improve their lifestyles, the wild rush of the big cities causes many of them to lose their peace of mind.



For students, life in a big city is full of competition yet opportunities as well. The educational prospects in big cities are better.

The schools and colleges in this area have excellent infrastructure and modern amenities to provide a positive learning environment.

These schools encourage students to pursue their passions from the start, as they focus not just on academics but also on extracurricular activities.

A variety of activities are provided to aid in the children’s appropriate growth and development as well as to assist them in identifying their areas of interest.

Better Education and Better Infrastructure

The quality of education supplied in big cities is relatively good when compared to small towns and villages.

The schools in this area are well-equipped with a variety of amenities. They have it all, from well-equipped laboratories to cutting-edge sports complexes.

The professors hired for these schools are well-educated and knowledgeable in their respective fields.

The management team is knowledgeable and committed to raising educational standards. They are committed to ensuring the students’ future success and work tirelessly to achieve this goal.

 The stakes are enormous, and students develop a competitive mentality at a young age.

Flexibility to Choose Their Course

In contrast to small towns and villages, large cities have a variety of colleges. These colleges provide a variety of courses in a variety of subjects.

Students are usually required to pass an entrance exam in order to enroll in a specialized course at a good college.

Big cities also have good coaching centers where students can learn how to pass these entrance examinations and get into the college of their choosing.

Students who have the option to study in a large city can therefore select from a wide range of courses and follow a career of their choice. They have a better probability of establishing a successful career.


Because of the diversity of courses available, big cities are especially suitable for higher education. This is why many students choose to pursue higher education in these cities.



The thrill of living in a big city is that it is always changing. People who live in a major city have a lot of opportunities to study and improve.

These cities offer opportunities for personal and professional development. Because of the exposure they receive, people who live in major cities are wiser than those who live in small towns and villages.

These cities are fast-paced, and only those with a sharp intellect will be able to keep up.

Personal Development in Large Cities

In the big cities, there is a lot of room for personal growth and development. Children in such places have access to good schools and universities that focus on the students’ overall development rather than simply academics.

Individuals can join in a variety of activities and events at these educational institutes to help them explore their interests. Furthermore, there are a variety of activities outside of school that might aid in personal development.

Professional Development in Major Cities

Unlike villages and small towns, where the scope is limited, big cities provide excellent employment chances and lucrative commercial opportunities.

Several industries and businesses operate here, providing decent career prospects for persons with various educational backgrounds.

In these cities, the chances of starting a business are also favorable. These cities have excellent connections to the rest of the country, which is a significant benefit.

 It aids in business expansion and dealing with clients from other cities.

Working professionals can take courses at several institutes in big cities to help them improve and achieve new professional heights.

If a person is ready to put in the effort, the opportunities for starting and building a business in a big city are limitless.

Cities and Economic Growth

Every year, a large number of new enterprises are established in the major cities. As these enterprises expand and thrive, they contribute to the country’s economic progress.


While the big cities provide wonderful chances for learning and growth, life in the small towns is hectic. There is simply no time to rest and relax because there is so much to do. People are so preoccupied with their jobs that they don’t have time to spend with their loved ones. In such an environment, many people feel alone. While they achieve achievement in life, they have few others with whom to share their joy.



Nothing comes easy, as the saying goes. Life in a big city may appear appealing, but it comes with a cost.

Living in a major city has a lot of benefits, but it also has a lot of drawbacks. Before making the ultimate decision to relocate to a big metropolis, people should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of city life.

The Benefits of Living in a Big City

Here are a few benefits of living in a major city:


Because of the infrastructure available, life in a big city is far superior to life in a rural. Roads, parks, market areas, and other public spaces in large cities are in better shape.

These are well-designed and maintained to assure the public’s comfort and convenience.

Healthcare Providers

Good hospitals with high-end medical facilities can be found in big cities. Here, special clinics and hospitals have been constructed to treat people with a variety of illnesses.

These are outfitted with the most up-to-date medical technology.

These hospitals have a team of doctors and support workers who are well qualified to do their tasks.

Recreational pursuits

Malls, shopping centers, amusement parks, restaurants, movie theatres, and other recreational facilities abound in major cities.

 Aside from that, a variety of activities such as live band performances, cuisine festivals, concerts, cultural shows, plays, and so on are held on a regular basis for the enjoyment of the public.

Opportunities for Education and Work

Primary and secondary schools with adequate infrastructure can be found in large cities.

These schools’ teachers and administrators are well-educated and trained. They provide a strong emphasis on the pupils’ overall development and growth.

In these cities, there are also a number of prestigious colleges. They provide specific training and tremendous career opportunities to grow and prosper.

The Drawbacks of Living in a Big City

The following are some of the drawbacks of living in a major city:

High Living Costs

In comparison to a village or small town, the cost of living in a big metropolis is substantially higher. House rent and transportation costs might be particularly taxing on your finances. In a major city, maintaining a good lifestyle may be rather costly.

Continual hustling and bustling

In the big cities, there is never a dull moment. In these cities, people labor 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because the people here are continually on the move, the roadways are always congested.

High Levels of Pollution

In the big cities, there is a lot of pollution. Thousands of cars are on the highways, and there are countless industries in various regions of these cities.

They not only contaminate the air, making it harder to breathe, but they also generate a great deal of noise.

High Levels of Competition

In the big cities, there is rivalry at every turn. This competition, as well as the desire to stay one step ahead of the competition, maybe tiring and stressful.


Life in a major city is undoubtedly convenient, but it also has its drawbacks. While it provides excellent chances and facilities, obtaining all of them is not straightforward. To live a decent and pleasant life in the city, one must put in a lot of effort.



Because of the variety of amenities available, life in a major city appears appealing. Several people are lured to leave small towns and villages and migrate to big cities because of the lifestyle it offers.

They toil away in order to live the life of their dreams, but not everyone succeeds in their endeavors.

Many of these people end up in misery and either return to their hometowns or live in squalor in the big cities.

Countless Possibilities

There is no denying that big cities provide limitless opportunities. In contrast to small towns, where work and business chances are restricted, big cities offer a wide range of employment and business opportunities.

 The industrial sector is expanding at a rapid pace, necessitating an increasing number of workers to fill various positions.

As a result, employees with a variety of educational backgrounds and job experience are needed. In a similar vein, the service industry is expanding rapidly.

 Because these companies are typically based in big cities, the number of job prospects is greater. Many of these workplaces hire people with only rudimentary expertise in the field and then train them.

Large cities also have a plethora of educational institutes and training centers that teach and train people for various occupations. There are plenty of options for someone who is eager to learn and put in the effort.

Isolation: A Way of Life

In the big cities, there is a lot of competition. Everybody wants to make more money, look better, and live a better life.

The majority of individuals in our country are so blinded by power and money that they are unable to see beyond it.

They work long hours and compete with their friends, family, neighbors, and even their own siblings for money. They are frequently left solitary in the hurry to obtain stuff.

They may be able to earn a good living and live a comfortable lifestyle, yet they are still unhappy since they have no one with whom to share their joy.

Even though a huge metropolis has all of the contemporary conveniences, its residents frequently suffer from loneliness and despair.

This is in stark contrast to life in towns and villages, where relationships are valued and people look out for one another.

They see each other on a regular basis, celebrate festivals and other special occasions with one another, and assist one another in times of need.

Peace at the Price of Comfort

Life in major cities can be described as chaotic. There is a lot of activity going on.

People live in a concrete jungle, cut off from the natural world. Their lives may be comfortable, but they do so at the expense of their mental health.

Although they may have greater medical services, the odds of developing health problems in large cities are nevertheless fairly high.

This is owing to the high levels of pollution in major cities, as well as the rising levels of stress among residents.

Similarly, while big cities have better schools and institutions, the intensity of competitiveness here is depriving youngsters of their youth.

In the largest cities, the cost of living is quite expensive. It is critical to work hard day in and day out in order to retain a healthy lifestyle and social standing.

The majority of people in larger cities take out large loans to buy things like houses, cars, and other items.

It can be difficult to repay these loans while maintaining their current lifestyle. As a result, even though they live in comfort, they are never at ease.


Life in a major city may appear to be easy, but it is actually rather difficult. It can be quite difficult. Not everyone will be able to make it here.

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