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My Favourite Book: A Personal Essay

Do you remember the first book that made you feel? The one that you couldn’t put down until you finished it?

The one that you read over and over again? As children, our favorite book is often the first book we read.

The book that made us want to read. The one that we read over and over again as a child. The first book that made us fall in love with reading.

For me, it was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was the first book I remember reading over and over again as a child.

I would re-read it every year, just as I do now. My mother read it to me every Christmas, and I remember begging for it each year.

I first read it in early grade school, and I will never forget the feeling it gave me.

I remember reading this book for the first time and thinking, “This is exactly how a story should make me feel.”

 As an adult, I can see why I would find this book so magical. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is an allegory of our own lives.

It is the story of a young boy who must overcome his fears and save his friends from an enchanted land.

It is a story of good versus evil, of innocence versus experience. Most importantly, it is a story of hope.

What is your favourite book?

Every reader has a favorite book. This question gets at the heart of what makes a book a favorite.

You could have a favorite book because it’s a historical novel, or because it’s the first in a series, or because it has beautiful language, or because you love adventure, or because it has all the elements that made you fall in love with reading as a child, or any other number of reasons.

Even if you don’t know what your favorite book is, that doesn’t mean you can’t figure it out.

 I love to read, and I love to discuss books. So, when I was twenty-eight, I decided to spend my days in a bookstore.

From then on, I read books for different categories, looking for my favorite.

What makes your favourite book your favourite?

There are many reasons a book could be your favorite. If you could only pick one, why that book?

When you are reading, what do you think about it? What associations do those thoughts elicit? Why do you love that particular book?

You might also ask, what do I love about my favorite books? Do you love the way they make you think, feel and appreciate life?

 If you could only pick one, what would it be?

How to Choose Your Next Favourite Book

Your favorite book is probably a book that speaks to you. That makes you think, and feel.

So, how do you find another one that will make you feel? Here are some suggestions.

Select a Different Genre – Reading a favorite book within a certain genre can help you to understand the appeal of that genre, and help you to identify what kind of book you would like to read.

– Reading a favorite book within a certain genre can help you to understand the appeal of that genre, and help you to identify what kind of book you would like to read.

Select a Different Book – Another variation on this theme is to select a different book in the same genre.

This will help to broaden your understanding of the genre and may lead you to a new favorite.

– Another variation on this theme is to select a different book in the same genre. This will help to broaden your understanding of the genre and may lead you to a new favorite.

Read Something Different – Reading outside of your comfort zone can be a great way to find a new favorite book.

Read stories that are different from the ones you usually read. Try reading classics, or books from other cultures. You may be surprised at how much you like them.


No matter what your age, what your favorite book is, or why it is your favorite, it is important to share those books with others.

 Reading is a shared experience, and reading a favorite book aloud to someone else can bring you even more enjoyable than reading it alone.

Sharing your favorite books with others will let them know what you like, and let them make suggestions about books that you may enjoy.

Reading can be a lifelong hobby, and there is no better way to get started than with your favorite books.

So, my favorite book is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It is an allegory of our own lives.

It is the story of a young boy who must overcome his fears and save his friends from an enchanted land.

It is a story of good versus evil, of innocence versus experience. Most importantly, it is a story of hope.

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