International Day of Peace is celebrated worldwide on September 21. International Peace Day was established by a unanimous UN resolution in 1981. Let read some interesting facts on the International Day of Peace in the Sets of 10 Lines below.

10 Lines on International Day of Peace – Set 1

1) International Day of Peace is celebrated every year on September 21.

2) The day was established by a UN resolution passed in 1981.

3) It promotes global peace and unison among all sections of society.

4) The year 2021 is significant for it is the 20th Anniversary of International Peace Day.

5) The theme of the International Day of Peace 2021 is – “Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world.”

6) The day is celebrated by fostering global peace and unity through education and public awareness.

7) The day reminds us to live in peace and harmony, shunning our demographic differences.

8) In 1981 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution to celebrate the third Tuesday of September as the ‘International Day of Peace.

9) The day also coincides with the opening of the annual session of the General Assembly.

10) The day marks a 24-hour period of ceasefire among groups engaged in combat.

10 Lines on International Day of Peace – Set 2

1) The International Day of Peace obligates the Governments to not engage in war and promote peace.

2) The day encourages us to make the world a peaceful and better place to live in.

3) The first-ever recorded peace movement was Peace of God in 989 AD.

4) The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Henry Dunant from Switzerland and Frederic Passy from France.

5) In 1969, John Lenon and Yoko Ono spent 8 days in bed to promote world peace.

6) In 2008, Iceland was ranked as the most peaceful country in the world.

7) Individuals and organizations celebrate the day around the set theme of the year.

8) Educational Institutions promote peace through lectures and seminars.

9) Wars in past and their disastrous consequences are quoted to let us understand how damaging wars could be.

10) Some people also set the caged animals free to celebrate the International Day of Peace.

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By Abha