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Gandagi Mukt Mera Gaon

Gandagi Mukt Mera Gaon Essay in English

Essay on My Dirt Free Village in English


We all have heard since childhood that we must keep our cities and villages clean. Father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi once famously said, ‘So long as you do not take the broom and the bucket in your hands, you cannot make your towns and cities clean. I take pride in announcing that believing in Bapu’s words; my village, Gopalpur is able to prove its determination, for cleaning itself.

When Was Gandagi Mukt Mera Gaon Initiated?

It all began when the Government announced the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) or Clean India Mission in 2014. Such was the impact of the mission that a sudden realization of civic sense was witnessed in the masses across the nation. My village Gopalpur was also mo exception, and soon everyone was thinking of glorifying the village’s name. It was indeed a welcome change and much needed as well.

How Did My Village Became Dirt Free?

Six years down the line, my village is famous for its cleanliness and impeccable drainage system. Easier said than done, this feat was achieved with collective hard work and determination.

Everyone from the village sarpanch and officials to the women, students and elderly were deeply involved.

A lot of our success was due to the commendable work done by all concern in the following four areas –

1) Toilet Construction

The village panchayat and its office bearers played an instrumental role in the construction of toilets. Funds allocated by the government were aptly utilized for the purpose. We were able to build toilets for every house in a record time, thereby, making our village open defecation free.

2) Building Concrete Drains

Every house in the village got a concrete drain, so that the water doesn’t spill on the road. Before this the water would just overflow on the road giving everything a filthy look. But with concrete drains, the sewage reaches where it should, and the drains are covered as well.

3) Setting Dustbins

Dustbins play an important role in keeping the environment clean and preventing pollution as well. We placed sufficient number of dustbins as various locations like, the village market, post office, school, doctor’s clinic and gram panchayat or village council office.

4) Tree Plantation

Now that my village was clean and dirt free, there was a sudden realization to make it more beautiful. What could be a better way to make a place more beautiful, than to make it greener? Hence, everyone turned to planting trees as much they can, up to their capacity.


It was indeed a moment of pride for all of us when our village was awarded for being the cleanest village in the district. We are indeed happy, but also realize that we must not put down or guard ever and always stand by the cleanliness principles of Bapu. We strive to see the same transformation as our village, across the lengths and breadths of India. Jai Hind!

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