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Due to rapid urbanization and growing employment opportunities, many people are migrating from villages towards cities. Families with working parents and one or two children are common nowadays. In the following essays, we would be covering several aspects relevant to a small family like – what is a small family called? What are the advantages of a small family? What are the disadvantages of a small family? In the end, you would be able to write a short note on the small family; differentiate between big and small family, and write an essay, and most importantly you would know that a small family is a happy family. So, without wasting any time further let’s get onto reading the essays.

Short and Long Essays on Small Family

Essay 1 – Short Essay on Small Family is a Happy Family (250 Words)


You must have heard this phrase a number of times –‘Small Family is a Happy Family. Indeed it is! The phrase has been an extensively promoted punch line for the Government of India’s family planning initiative. And yes, it has some credence as a small family has indeed a lot of reasons to smile, compared to a large family. Why? Let’s read further.

1) Better Parenting

With only one or two children, the parents are able to keep a good eye on their children’s behavior and other activities. They get ample time to attend to them personally and mold their personalities in the right way.

2) Better Education

A small family is able to spend better on the children’s education and their future. Few children mean that the parents can afford to send their wards to good schools and provide for all their educational needs. On the other hand, a big family has to compromise on the quality of education due to more number of children and proportionately low earnings.

3) Better Health

This is an important advantage of a small family. A family that is small eats well and is thus healthy. Large families often struggle to arrange a single square meal for all of their members. Moreover, when it comes to health expenditures, a small family has a lot better options than a big expanded family.

3) More Fun Together

Well, it’s no surprise that a small family would be able to utilize its resources to the maximum. This means that they would be able to manage fun-filled weekend getaways and trips to theaters. Or they could dine out once in a while, without much worrying about the money spend. On the other hand, a large family would have to spend a good amount on these fun trips.

Final Verdict

It is very important that we understand the importance of a small family and promote the same. A small family is not only a happy family but also helps in making the nation happy.

Essay 2 – Difference between a Big Family and a Small Family (400 Words)


One of the most significant differences between a big family and a small family is that a small family is a happy family while a big family is not. Let’s discuss some more differences further.

What is a Small Family?

A small family that is also referred to as a ‘Nuclear Family’, is a family that ideally constitutes of Mother, Father, and a maximum of two children.

Difference between a Big Family and a Small Family

There are several differences between a big family and a small family as stated in the tabular column below.

  Small Family Big Family
SavingsIt’s no surprise that a small family is able to save their earnings more as compared to a big family. Their members are less so obviously they need to spend less and save more for future.  Big families often struggle to make ends meet. At the end of the month, there are hardly any savings left.
EducationA small family is able to efficiently utilize its monthly earnings in the children’s education and future.Big family finds it difficult to provide quality education to its children due to disproportionate earnings.
Support SystemThough happy, at times a small family may long for emotional or other support from outside the family.A big family has a better support system than a small family. There are often too many members to support each other in need.
CelebrationsA small family saves enough to spend on Birthdays, anniversaries, or on festivals.Well, fewer saving means that there won’t be much money to spend on celebrating the occasions like birthdays or festivals.
Standard of LivingA small family is able to optimally utilize its resources and maintain a better living standard.A big family has a low standard of living due to the overutilization of resources.


A small family provides a thriving environment to the children and other members as well. They get better opportunities for health, education, and fun, as well.

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