Sisters are always very important. They are, right? And so are their weddings and even the anniversaries of their weddings?
So, if you have a sweet sister who is married and can’t wait for her wedding anniversary, it’s also time for you to prepare a special speech for your didi and jiju’s wedding anniversary.
On this special day, everyone gives gifts, but giving a speech in their honour is something they will remember for the rest of their lives because words are hard to forget.
To make your job easier, this page has both short and long speeches about wedding anniversaries for didi and jija.
You can use them as a guide to write an impressive speech for your didi and jiju on their special day. So, why don’t you just do it? Just get started!
Table of Contents
Speech for Didi and Jija’s Wedding Anniversary (Sister and Brother-in-Law)
Speech for Didi and Jija on the anniversary of their wedding
Everyone here, a warm good evening!
I’m Emma, and my sister’s fifth wedding anniversary is coming up, so I’d like to say a few words. People say that love is blind, but getting married really opens your eyes.
I’m sure that every married couple knows this to be true. A relationship or marriage needs both people to work, and you two have done a great job so far.
As long as you don’t have kids, you should spend as much time as you can with each other. Go on trips, go skydiving, or take a long walk on the beach, because these are the things that matter most in life.
It’s not that you won’t find the time to do it again, but when you have family responsibilities, things change and can be hard.
So, I think this is the best time to make memories with each other that you’ll love when you’re old and that will give you interesting stories to tell your grandchildren.
After a few years of marriage and taking care of a family, love often seems to fade away. But you seem to be falling more and more in love with each other, so this isn’t the case here.
But keep in mind that just because the couple is getting older doesn’t mean they should stop being romantic.
It’s enough for two people to warmly greet each other in the morning, make each other a cup of coffee, and take care of the little things for each other to keep the spark alive.
Every couple is different, and every marriage is perfect in its own way. And I hope that when you have kids, you will be the ones they look up to as a good example.
People should be able to see how much you care about and love each other.
I’m sure that by now, you and your partner are used to each other’s weird habits and mood changes. You and your partner must have learned how to deal with each other’s families.
I’m sure that my sister taught my jiju how to cook and how to help her with chores in the kitchen.
But jokes aside, it’s important to always help each other out, whether it’s with housework or a career choice. That’s why marriage is so great. You can decide things together.
It takes time to get used to each other and feel at home in the same house.
Sometimes the road is bumpy and things don’t go as planned, but in the end, what matters is how you and your partner finish the journey together in a way that will make both of you remember it fondly in the future.
And I have to tell you that I am so proud of you for making it through the first part of your journey.
But this trip hasn’t ended yet; it’s just getting started. There are still a lot of years, memories, and mistakes to make before this bond is better and stronger than it was before.
Cheers, my beautiful sister and brother-in-law! I hope that both of you have a good life and find happiness. Always be happy and lucky!
Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – 10th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija
Good Evening Ladies and gentlemen, everyone here today is invited to my parents’ 10th wedding anniversary.
Today is a very important and special day for us, as well as for my grandmother and grandfather.
So, as I stand here in front of you all today, I’m thinking back to this date ten years ago, when my sister got married.
On this happy day, I’d like to raise a glass to my dear sister and her husband, whose marriage has always been an example to me.
People say, “A man is happy when he finds a true friend, and he is even happier when he finds that true friend in his wife,” and that couldn’t be more true of this beautiful couple.
They have always been friends before being husband, wife, or parents to each other. If you don’t understand each other, it doesn’t matter if you’ve found the right person.
No one else can understand how great your relationship is and how much you love each other. Every kind thing you do for each other will make your relationship stronger.
People say things like, “It’s not about thinking the same, but about thinking together.”
Every marriage has its ups and downs when it comes to likes and dislikes, but at the end of the day, it’s all about the strong desire to keep a happy family and a strong marriage despite the problems that come up.
This is a very special day for both of you because you both remember the promises you made to each other and make new ones that will make your relationship even stronger.
Today is a great time to thank each other for all the good times you’ve had together and for understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
They have shown me how important it is to work together and how great these two are with their children. I wish I could do half as well as they do.
No matter how bad things get, they can bring happiness to the lives of everyone around them, whether it’s their kids, family, or friends.
Isn’t it admirable to fall in love with the same person every day for ten years and promise to keep doing so for many more?
I don’t know about other couples, but I’m sure that these two will stay the same as time goes on.
I hope to raise a glass to my sister and brother-in-law again when we are old, probably on their 50th wedding anniversary, because they are perfect for each other.
I’m sure they’ll set the same couple goals for their kids and other young couples as they do for me and my partner. Sister, it’s only been ten years, so there is still more to come.
Cheers to the indomitable love you have for each other!
Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – Didi and Jija’s 25th Wedding Anniversary Speech
Good night, everybody!
I’m Misha, and Mansi is my brother. Today is the 25th anniversary of my sister and brother-in-law’s wedding! So, I’d like to raise a glass in their honour.
I’m very happy for them, but sometimes I wonder how they’ve both come this far. I have to say that they have set some very high standards for marriage.
People say that marriage is like a wild roller coaster ride with no rules. Once you get on the ride, you can’t get off.
There are bumps and turns, and sometimes the ride even turns upside down, but the important thing is to have faith and hold hands all the way to the end.
The interesting part is that no one tells you anything about the ride before you go on it. Not even everyone has the same experience.
I’m trying to say that we all have our own paths to follow. And it’s up to us to make it to the end.
The fact that they are here to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary shows that they have done pretty well as a couple.
If someone were to ask me if all these years of being responsible for things like taking care of kids and running an office were easy or not, I would say: I would have said, “No way!”
But what’s more important is to know if you enjoy doing all of these things or not. All of it depends on how well the couple can deal with all the problems that come up and make the most of their marriage.
I’ve seen these two together for almost 27 years, two years before they got married and 25 years after. I know it’s not as easy as it looks.
I watched them struggle during the first year of their marriage. It’s not easy to move in with someone and be as comfortable as you were before you got married.
Five years later, when they got married and had their first child, they had no idea what they were doing.
But now, look at them! They have brought up two wonderful and beautiful children. Since then, they have come a long way.
You see, in the later years of a marriage, you usually talk less and fight more. It reminds me of Tom and Jerry. You keep fighting, just like they do, but you can’t live without each other.
Each person makes the other person better, and that’s how it should be for everyone. Well, you can all look at them if you want to know what it means to be together and have friends.
You’ve both spent a lot of time taking care of other people, so I think you both deserve a break from work and being parents.
Your children are old enough that they can take care of themselves. Take a vacation, follow your other dreams, and do everything else you’ve put off in the past.
You should remember your childhood and special times. Take your wedding vows again and promise each other that you will always make each other happy.
I really want and hope that you guys don’t change. And I hope you have all the joy you deserve.
Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija – 50th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Didi and Jija
Good morning, everyone!
My name is ____, and I am the youngest sister of the person who became the bride fifty years ago. We are all here to celebrate the love that my sister and brother-in-law share.
I think those people are lucky who get to spend their 50th wedding anniversary with people they love very much.
Rarely do people get together to celebrate fifty years of marriage. I got to say a few words at their wedding, and I thank God for giving me the chance to do so again after all these years.
Everyone will probably agree that the first few years of a marriage are mostly good, but that things tend to get a little bit complex as time passes.
From having your own house, kids, overtime work, and monthly payments (EMIs) to taking care of your kids’ needs, school, and college, your love for each other and feeling like a couple can get lost.
So, sometimes it is very important to remember the vows you made to each other. Don’t let your love fade away because you have to do things for other people.
Every wedding has problems, but my sister and brother-in-law have always made sure that their marriage doesn’t lose its spark.
So, marriage is about working together. You do have kids, and they are the most important thing in your life. But when they grow up and start their own lives, you’ll only have each other for support.
In the end, it was and will be your company that will make all the difference. So I learned from them how to take care of each other and deal with other things in life.
Most people buy expensive gifts or jewellery for their wives, which I say is “really important.”
But what’s more important is that you make your wife feel wanted and, most importantly, respected. And on top of that you give her the most valuable gift, which is your time.
My sister’s brother-in-law always made time for her. I know that their love is stronger than anything, and they have a lot of respect for each other. Which I think is much more important.
Shakespeare, who is my favourite poet, once said, “Love is not love that changes when it finds a change, or bends with the remover to get rid of it.”
No, it’s a mark that’s always there, even in storms. It’s the star on every ship’s mast, but no one knows how much it’s worth, even though they can measure its height.
Let me put it this way: true love doesn’t change, no matter how hard life gets. For many people, getting married is scary.
But I feel safe when I look at my sister and brother in law. They have given me and all of us hope that we can get through anything in life. If we face our problems together with courage and look for a way out.
So, cheers to them for having a love that hasn’t changed in all these years and is actually getting stronger.
Wedding Anniversary Speech For Wife