A zoo is a place where animals, birds, reptiles, and other creatures are held in captivity while receiving adequate nutrition and medical care. The enclosures in which the animals are housed are safe and open to the public, in compliance with government guidelines. Zoos, also known as Animal Parks, perform a number of important tasks such as raising awareness, saving biodiversity, and providing healthy breeding grounds for animals, among other things.

Zoos have grown over time, and the modern zoo provides enough open space for the animals while maintaining their protection. Cages have progressively been phased out, and today’s zoos have open spaces with a bordered ridge separating the animals from the visitors. The zoo plays an important role in the conservation of biodiversity by ensuring that they are kept in a secure environment. It also allows scientists, veterinary doctors, researchers, and students to closely examine animal behavior and apply new strategies and medicines for their benefit.


We’ve compiled a collection of long and short zoo essays in English of varying lengths to assist you with your test.

These zoo essays will take you on an exciting trip to this animal paradise.

These essays can help you with school assignments, debates, and essay writing contests, among other items.

You can choose any essay that meets your requirements:



A zoological park, or simply a ‘Zoo,’ is a place where wild animals are kept in enclosures and shown to the public. These facilities aid in the survival of endangered animal species such as the Javan and black rhinos, the Sumatran elephant and orangutan, various tigers, the giant panda, and others that have become extinct as a result of widespread habitat destruction.

A Protective Breeding Facility For The Creatures

These animal parks have successfully facilitated “captive breeding programs,” which include the reproduction of animals and their subsequent reintroduction into their natural environment, by providing sufficient veterinary care and a safe and secure habitat that mimics their natural surroundings. This has aided in the increase of wild animal populations.

Educating The Children About Animals

Zoos, much like schools, play an important role in teaching children about their natural world, which includes wildlife. Regardless of the numerous regional outlets on television, zoos continue to draw millions of children each year by providing them with the ability to see live animals. This aids in the education of these young children about wild animal behavior and the environment.


Thus, in order to avoid the extinction of different animal species, it is imperative to facilitate ‘breeding’ programs in zoos and to encourage the development of more zoological gardens.



For all of us, visiting a zoological park has always been a magical and mesmerizing experience, particularly when we were young. The lush greenery and sense of oneness that a person feels with the natural world when they are surrounded by wildlife are unparalleled.

A Place to see Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles

Zoos are places that house different species of wild animals inside enclosures and display them to the public. These not only assist in the protection of endangered mammalian, insect, amphibian, and reptile species, but also in the education of children about the other living creatures in their world.

Children can not only watch the behavior of wild animals such as the Asiatic lion, Bengal tiger, and leopard, but they can also learn about their eating habits, which is not possible in concreted urban areas. Furthermore, monkeys, chimps, and orang-utans seem humorous not only due to their long limbs, but also due to their behavior. They have been seen playing with each other on occasion.

Apart from mammals, these zoological gardens also house a number of reptiles that breed in captivity. Crocodiles, alligators, tortoises, and assorted snakes are among them, and if one is fortunate, one can see them stalking their prey as attendants feed them live chicks and fish in their enclosures.

Various birds, such as the hornbill and the shikra, are also endangered species that are raised in zoos and can only be seen in captivity, similar to the white Bengal Tiger. Thus, visiting these zoos is not a waste of time for both children and adults, as the rarest of the rare animals from all over the planet, including Africa and America, can be found in any zoological garden in any part of the world.


Visits to such places should be welcomed because they not only teach us about other living things, but they also make us feel connected to the world.



I’ve always been mesmerized and fascinated by the sight of animals since I was a child. I’ve always enjoyed seeing them on Animal Planet, with their terrifying appearances, capturing their prey, caring for their infants, and so on. As a result, when my older brother offered me a tour of the Delhi Zoological Park for my tenth birthday, I was overjoyed. It seemed to be the best birthday present ever!

We bought tickets and walked inside after arriving at the zoo via Delhi Metro. A large number of infants, accompanied by their parents and siblings, were dispersed throughout the zoo. Despite the fact that a car was available for traveling around the zoo, we decided to walk for a more exciting experience. This encouraged me to spend more time visiting the facilities where my favorite animals were housed.

Funny Primates

The monkeys, who came in a variety of shapes and sizes, were the first thing that caught my eye. The light brown-skinned ape, langur, chimpanzee, baboon, and others were among them. They came in a variety of sizes and had both long and short tails. The monkeys were being fed bananas and mangos in their cage by the zoo authorities when I arrived. It was very amusing to see them eat those fruits after carefully peeling them off themselves, as if they were human beings.

Beautiful Birds

After that, we went to the portion where the water birds were held in captivity next to a man-made pond. The black and white swan, ducks, cranes, pelicans, and other birds came in a number of colors. The majestic black hue of the black swan, as well as the beauty with which it floated in the pond, mesmerized me.

Majestic Big Cats

The Asiatic lion, Bengal tigers, leopards, cheetahs, and bears, which had been held in cages separate from the other herbivorous animals, were next on our agenda. These carnivores were kept separately, unlike the deer and bucks who were kept in herds, and they were making deafening roars and screeching noises that were sacred to me.

Slimy Reptiles

We went on to the underground reptile section, which housed venomous snakes and pythons, alligators, and crocodiles. Observing the different designs on their skins was a rewarding experience.


We agreed to end the visit and return home to cut my birthday cake because the day was drawing to a close with the lowering of the Sun. Despite the fact that I was tired and exhausted from walking all day, it was still the best birthday I’ve ever had, as I spent the whole day watching the animals that have fascinated me since I was a child.



Because of peer pressure, the desire and zeal to visit a zoo fades as one grows older. A adolescent, on the other hand, is still mesmerized and enchanted by the sight of wild animals in their natural environment as it is portrayed on television.

Visit to the Zoo with the Family

In a similar scenario, I found myself. But, unlike most, I was able to return to the zoo thanks to my younger brother, who had recently turned five. His interest in animals, as well as my desire to educate him about them, prompted us to schedule a trip to the zoo with the entire family on a lazy Sunday. We arrived at the Delhi Zoological Garden about eleven a.m., all four of us crammed into a Honda City. My father bought tickets and a zoo guide map at the ticket counter, and we followed the marked footprints into the zoo. We had the choice of getting in the van and going for a trip, but we decided to walk so that we could spend more time watching our favorite animals.

Beautiful Swans

We first came across the pond where water birds such as ducks, stoke, pelicans, and swans were kept after joining the zoo. The ducks were quaking and teasing each other. Furthermore, the swans, who were as white as pearls and floated alongside their partners, created a magnificent scenic picture. When I first saw their beauty and grace, I was absolutely enthralled.

Royal Cats

We noticed the royal Bengal white tiger, which was separated from us by a ditch and walking in the open enclosure, after a short walk. When my younger brother saw it, he was ecstatic, and we all spent a long time watching the tiger galloping from the forest into the small pond.

The other royal spotted cat had been held in captivity next to it in a ditch. Despite the fact that there were three leopards, they seemed bored, as they were all relaxing under some tree or another and did not seem to be as enthusiastic as the tiger. In addition, the Asiatic Lion in the other ditch seemed to be doing circles within the open enclosure as well.

Rhinoceros with a Rock Solid Hide

As we continued on, we came across a one-horned rhinoceros who seemed to be resting in a nearby pond. It had rock-hard skin and short legs, in comparison to the giraffe on the other hand, which had a long neck and legs. Giraffes were absolutely amazing animals, completely quiet and munching on tree leaves the whole time we were watching them.

Colourful Fishes

Following that, we visited the aquarium, which featured a variety of colorful fish, including catfish, clownfish, zebrafish, and others. When my younger brother saw the clown fish that he had seen in the movie “Catching Nemo,” he was delighted. In the aquarium, there was also a small lazy tortoise.


We were unable to visit the underground reptiles section because it was closed for cleaning and renovation. We ended our zoo tour by seeing the humorous monkeys and then making our way to the exit doors. Overall, it was a great experience for me and my younger brother, who was also awestruck by the beautiful animals.



My school arranged a trip to the National Zoological Park in Delhi before the break for the winter vacations. Since it was our first outing with our peers since being elevated to fourth grade, all of the students were enthusiastic and excited about it.

We set out for the trip by assembling ourselves in the school bus, dressed neatly in school uniforms and sporting sport shoes. The ride to the zoo took about an hour. The tickets had already been bought in advance by the school administration, so when we arrived, we went straight into the zoo, bypassing the lines at the ticket counters. In order to avoid getting lost, we had already been told to walk in small groups, each led by an instructor.

Our Forefathers Were Wise and Pleasant

We first came across the monkeys, who were housed in a large cage with a variety of trees to provide them with plenty of room to leap and play. The langur, baboon, chimpanzee, light brown skinned monkey, and others were among them. The monkeys were being fed mangoes and bananas by the zoo officials when we arrived. As they carefully peeled the fruits and ate only the edible portion, we were astounded by their intellect.

We also saw our ancestor gorilla walking on two legs in the same way as we humans do today.

Terrifying Roars

We kept walking and came across a Himalayan black bear resting peacefully under a tree in a ditch, eating honey provided by the zoo authorities. It was amusing to watch him focus entirely on the honey and totally neglect the rumblings from the surrounding ditches. These roars came from leopards that seemed frustrated, probably because they hadn’t been fed yet.

We then continued to the next ditch, where we were able to see the majestic Bengal tiger galloping up and down the trees and in the canal. Its aerobics appeared to draw a lot of interest from passers-by, and we kids spent a lot of time watching it.

All the while, my friends and I had been anticipating seeing the large lion with a long mane, terrifying roars, and the lour that we had discussed. The Asiatic lion, on the other hand, was happily sleeping under the shade of the tree when we came across it. We were all deeply unhappy.

Slithering Reptiles

We went on to the underground reptile section, where venomous snakes and crocodiles were held. The snakes, particularly the Asian vine snake and the Sri Lankan Pit Viper, had extremely beautiful designs on their gliding skin, despite the fact that they were poisonous and dangerous.

Observing the alligators and crocodiles swimming stealthily in the pond was also a rewarding experience.

Spectacular and Colorful Birds

Returning to ground level, we came across a large cage in which birds such as the hornbill, peacock, shikra, kite, and others had been held in captivity with plenty of space to fly. They were extremely beautiful birds in a variety of colors, especially the peacock, which had a procession of exquisite feathers. My friends and I were fortunate enough to see the peacock’s open feathers.

There were also some water birds that couldn’t fly very far, such as ducks, swans, cranes, and other colorful water birds held in a man-made pond. Despite the fact that it was winter, they were floating in the water and enjoying themselves.


The school authorities had arranged for a lunch in the zoo’s cafeteria after the tour was done. It was a buffet, so we ate until we were stuffed and then had ice cream. After that, we boarded the bus and arrived at the school by four o’clock in the evening. Despite the fact that I had previously visited the zoo with my dad, this outing with my friends was truly enjoyable and memorable.

Essay on a visit to the zoo

10 Lines on a visit to the zoo

By Abha