Even light can’t escape a black hole Image Source

As a child, we all have heard the term ‘Black hole’ a number of times, probably during science classes.

I don’t know about you, but for me, the term had always aroused my curiosity, as a child. It even does now, I must admit.

Let’s try to settle this curiosity today; though, only partly, as black hole is still a mystery that waits to be completely revealed.

What is a Black Hole?

In the simplest words, a black hole is a place in space that has an extreme gravitational pull.

In fact, the gravitational force in a black hole is so strong that nothing can escape it, not even light.

A graphical representation stating that light falls into a black hole Image Source

As no light entering the black hole gets out, it can’t be seen, or in other words, is invisible.

The only possible way to spot a black hole is with a space telescope with special tools.

Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) used by scientists to spot Black Holes Image Source

How Is A Black Hole Formed?

Scientists at NASA believe that a black hole is formed when a star dies. When a big star falls upon itself or collapses, it causes a supernova.

Supernova Blast as seen by a Hubble Telescope Image Source

Supernova is a term used for exploding star, sending out parts of the star exploding in the space.

What Is Inside A Black Hole?

A black hole is an incredibly dense space. The matter in a black hole is so crammed that the gravitational pull is extremely high.

So, inside a black hole, its matter in its smallest particle, thanks to the incredible gravitational force.

How Big A Black Hole Is?

Well black holes can be as tiny as an atom and a big as the size of the sun or even larger.

Even the atom-sized black holes have the mass of a mountain. Just imagine a large mountain crammed into a single atom. Incredible, isn’t it? No surprise that they have a much large gravitational force.

Next in line are ‘stellars’. They have mass 20 times more than the sun. There could be several stellar-mass black holes in Milky Way.

‘Supermassive’, are the largest black holes. In fact, they are so huge that their size is equivalent to the size of 1 million suns combined together.

Scientists have concluded that at the center of every galaxy, there is a Supermassive black hole.

Do you know the name of the Supermassive black hole of our own galaxy, Milky Way? It is Sagittarius A.

Can A Black Hole Destroy Earth?

No black hole is close enough to earth, to actually destroy it. Earth can’t fall into a black hole.

Scientists say that even if the sun turns into a black hole, earth and other planets won’t fall into it.

Moreover, sun isn’t big enough a star to turn into a black hole. Big relief!

What Will Happen If You Fell In A Black Hole?

 Well, if unfortunately, you ever knowingly or unknowingly jumped into a black hole, your body will turn into spaghetti, due to the extreme gravitational pull.

Essay on sports and games

By Abha