National Festivals are the occasions when the whole Nation celebrates a single cause shedding all the cultural, religious and financial differences and take to streets for display of our rich cultural and spiritual heritage and commemorate our freedom fighters and leaders who sacrificed their life for attaining freedom.


India celebrates three National Festivals in a Year with Republic Day on 26th January, Independence Day on 15th August followed by Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October. Each festival is unique in itself for the cause it celebrates and message it conveys to the people of Nation, thereby by holding much value for the people of India. A description on the importance of National Festivals of India and their importance is given below-

Republic Day

The Constitution of India came into effect from 26th January 1950, India celebrates the inception of The Constitution of India on 26th January every Year.  Republic Day is very important for the people of India as explained point wise below

 Teaches us to value Democracy

Every free country in the world has constitution of its own. Constitution when simply put can be understood as a set of rules by which a Country is to be governed. Indian Constitution was formally adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th January 1949 it came into effect from 26th January 1950. The term Republic means a Country whose pupils are free to choose their own Government and policies as in a democratic setup. Celebrating Republic Day each Year bring back the memory of the struggles sacrifices of our freedom fighters for achieving democracy and self rule in the Nation. It teaches us to the benefits of having our own constitution and every Indian rejoices being a part of world’s largest democracy.

Honors Martyrs/soldiers

On Independence Day, The President (also the supreme commander of three wings –army, Navy and Air Force) of India gives gallantry award medals to the brave soldiers of India who portrayed exceptional acts of courage in the Battlefield. Param Veer Chakra is given to those who lost their lives in battle, followed by veer chakra and Maha veer Chakra.

Display of Strength

India celebrates Republic day every year in presence of a prominent Head of the State of a country, displaying her full military might and defense capabilities to let the world know that India is self reliant on protecting her borders from any external oppressions. The President of India also takes the advantage of the occasion to tell the world about India’s technological advancement as well as upcoming defense deals to further strengthen her military.

Independence Day

India gained independence from British Empire on 15th August 1947 after a long fought battle against oppression. This Day is celebrated as Independence Day across the length and breadth of India. Some of the importance of celebrating the Independence Day is given below.

Revives History

Celebrated in memory of India gaining independence from the clutches of British Empire after a long fought battle by our great freedom fighter and National Leaders,  it brings back the memory of their struggle and sacrifices and the hardship they went through to gain independence. We also get to know the names and contribution of some of the important freedom fighters such as Chandra Sekhar Azad, Bhagat singh, Rajguru , Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subhash Chandra Bose etc. The commemoration of such brave sons of soil on Independence Day only makes it more important.

Unites the Nation

The whole India gets united for celebrating the Independence Day on 15th August shedding its cultural and religious differences as witnessed in the struggle for independence. People from different   classes of the society, different religions and beliefs come together and celebrate their independence. The Independence Day teaches us that as long as we are united we will remain independent and self reliant. Also, we must stand united whether against any foreign oppression or working for the progress of the Nation.

Teaches us to value our Independence

India gained her independence after a long fought battle for years, marked with innumerable processions, protests, marches and sometimes violent agitations. Many lives were lost and much was sacrificed by our forefathers to gain Independence. All these losses and sacrifices flash in our mind as we celebrate Independence Day and teach us to value our independence more than anything. We are reminded of, how important is Independence for the growth of a Nation and its people and are inspired to take on any National threat with a patriotic zeal.

Gandhi Jayanti

Gandi Jayanti is celebrated every year on 2nd October to mark the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation. Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869 to a merchant family in coastal Gujarat. Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of India’s Independence movement and advocated non violence and civil disobedience for attaining swaraj or self rule.

Teaches Simplicity

Though he was born in a well to do merchant class Gandhi lived a simple and principled life.

Throughout his struggle in Indian Independence Movement, Gandhi was only draped with a khadi dhoti donning a simple framed spectacle and wore wooden slippers or Khadau.

He did all his daily work, himself without being helped by any of his associates. Despite being a National Leader, he himself cleaned the premises of Ashram where he lived, cleaned his own utensils and clothes. His favorite past time was spinning Charkha for producing khadi fabric as an Indian alternative to western wear. Gandhi taught us that greatness can only be achieved through simplicity.

Teaches Equality

Mahatma Gandhi throughout his whole life fought against the oppression of the weaker classes of the society and perils such as untouchability and gender discrimination. Even in his initial years in South Africa he advocated for equal rights to the native Africans and fellow Indians residing there at par with the Europeans.

In India while fighting for the Independence he completely changed his attire, draped only in a khadi dhoti and wearing wooden slippers, attire he thought will help him to connect to the India’s poor. Gandhi’s vision of a free India included an India with equal opportunities for all its classes, without any kind of discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, beliefs or financial status.

Promotes cleanliness

On the event of Gandhi jaynti whole India takes to streets cleaning the roads , societies ,Premise of the Offices and buildings are cleaned by the employees and residents in memory of Gandhi who had made sanitation and cleanliness as integral part of Gandhian way of living. He had said that sanitation is more important than democracy. The way to a free India goes through a clean India. Many programs like Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan are announced on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti.

On Gandhi Jayanti people are educated about the Gandhian way of cleanliness and non violence and how the idea of healthy society is hard to imagine without a clean society.


National Festivals of India are very important to the people of India as they keep them united in one fabric despite their huge cultural and religious variances. We all must take active part in our National Festivals and try to understand the messages they convey and also implement such teachings in our everyday life.

By Abha